jangan kena scam BNM

Beware of fake SMS urging you to claim expiring reward points!


Excited to redeem your reward points? Hold on! Scammers might lure you in with fake messages urging you to claim them. Stay cautious! Always verify with your bank, and never trust messages from unknown senders.


If you’ve been scammed, immediately call Consumer Contact Centre (available 24 hours) at +603 6204 7788 or the National Scam Response Centre (NSRC) at 997 (8am-8pm daily) and make a police report. #JanganKenaScam


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If you've been scammed, immediately call our 

Business Call Centre at 1300 888 828 (Local), +603 2297 3000 (Overseas) from Monday to Friday (8.00am to 7.00pm) or Saturday (8.00am to 5.00pm excluding public holidays).

Alternatively, you may contact our Consumer Contact Centre (available 24 hours) at +603 6204 7788 or Nasional Scam Response Centre (NSRC) at 997 (8am-8pm daily)